Preliminary results from the first scientific study of OCDE Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition Design) suggest that the popular instructional model may improve literacy outcomes for English language learners, without slowing down their English proficient peers. For an overview of the study and Year 1 findings, watch the video below.
In 2010, Education Northwest was awarded a $2.8 million dollar grant from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) for a four-year experimental study of Project GLAD. Although Project GLAD has been used by almost 50,000 teachers in 13 states to help ELL students develop academic English skills, the model had not previously undergone a rigorous evaluation. The Education Northwest study examines Project GLAD’s effectiveness through a cluster randomized trial involving fifth-grade teachers and students in 30 Idaho elementary schools. We collected two years of data on the impact of Project GLAD on students’ reading comprehension, vocabulary, science achievement, and writing. We also measured teachers’ implementation.
Education Northwest conducted an independent research study to examine the effects of OCDE Project GLAD® . This study addresses four research questions.
Examining implementation of OCDE Project GLAD® was an important component of this study. We wanted to understand how Project GLAD was used by teachers in the treatment group. We also wanted to know whether or not teachers in the control group used Project GLAD, or similar strategies, despite being in the control group. Our measures of implementation included attendance logs at professional development sessions, coaching logs, monthly surveys, classroom observations, and interviews with teachers and principals.
Overall, we found that all treatment teachers received the full training and coaching follow-up. All treatment teachers used Project GLAD to at least some extent, although the frequency and quality of implementation varied greatly across teachers. Very few control teachers used strategies similar to Project GLAD strategies.
Principal Investigator Theresa Deussen explains why districts should be concerned about implementation.
These published articles, books, or book chapters are referred to in other sections of this website.
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For more information about the study or the research base behind OCDE Project GLAD®, feel free to give us a call directly or contact us via this email - Angela Roccograndi
101 SW Main, Ste. 500, Portland, OR. 97204-3213 | 1.800.547.6339 - 503.275.9500
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